Winter 2021-22 Antique Pistol Restoration Project

Antique "Sterling" .38 cal.rimfire restoration project update...

  It seems that I could have bought an E.L.Dickinson "Parts gun" a couple of weeks ago, but I passed, not realizing a the time, th...

Saturday, July 13, 2019

American Pneumatic Air Rifles!!!

 I had the opportunity recently to take this photo of my 70 year old  Benjamin Model 317 alongside a friend's Crosman 1400 Pumpmaster & Sheridan CB Blue Streak.
Left to Right:
Crosman model 1400 Pumpmaster .22cal. (1976), Sheridan CBW Blue Streak .20cal/5mm (1972), Benjamin model 317 .177cal/4.5mm (1940-56)

Since I bought my Benjamin Model 317 from Mr Marvin "the AirGun Guy" last year, I have thoroughly cleaned and oiled the exterior metal & stock, as well as that, I cleaned and lubed the pump arm,pump cup and seals that I could without fully disassembling the air rifle.

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