Winter 2021-22 Antique Pistol Restoration Project

Antique "Sterling" .38 cal.rimfire restoration project update...

  It seems that I could have bought an E.L.Dickinson "Parts gun" a couple of weeks ago, but I passed, not realizing a the time, th...

Showing posts with label Crosman model 1400. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crosman model 1400. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2019

American Pneumatic Air Rifles!!!

 I had the opportunity recently to take this photo of my 70 year old  Benjamin Model 317 alongside a friend's Crosman 1400 Pumpmaster & Sheridan CB Blue Streak.
Left to Right:
Crosman model 1400 Pumpmaster .22cal. (1976), Sheridan CBW Blue Streak .20cal/5mm (1972), Benjamin model 317 .177cal/4.5mm (1940-56)

Since I bought my Benjamin Model 317 from Mr Marvin "the AirGun Guy" last year, I have thoroughly cleaned and oiled the exterior metal & stock, as well as that, I cleaned and lubed the pump arm,pump cup and seals that I could without fully disassembling the air rifle.