Winter 2021-22 Antique Pistol Restoration Project

Antique "Sterling" .38 cal.rimfire restoration project update...

  It seems that I could have bought an E.L.Dickinson "Parts gun" a couple of weeks ago, but I passed, not realizing a the time, th...

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Under-Hammer Percussion Muzzleloading Pistol


I bought an interesting book from Amazon a couple of years ago that is about Under-Hammer Percussion Muzzleloading Pistols and it includes parts diagrams as well as the  history of the designs.
Having the hammer on the underside of the barrel allows for an unobstructed sightline, which made this type of action perfect for precision target shooting.

This illustration shows the most elegantly simple type of underhammer action.
I am considering building a non-shooting, cap gun version of this design once the projects currently filling my workbench are completed.

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