Winter 2021-22 Antique Pistol Restoration Project

Antique "Sterling" .38 cal.rimfire restoration project update...

  It seems that I could have bought an E.L.Dickinson "Parts gun" a couple of weeks ago, but I passed, not realizing a the time, th...

Sunday, May 8, 2022

19th century Revolver Advertising never fails to amuse!!!

 Prior to 1900, life for the average person living in America  was extremely difficult and nothing at all like today.

 Feral dogs roamed in packs and when mass production made  the bicycle affordable, more people were able to pedal further and expand their "world", but also increase their chances of facing dangerous situations during a time when an infected cut may be lethal.

Today, some ads like the first one here would cause outrage among the public, but in 1880, it would have been perfectly normal and understandable.

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